Friday, May 28, 2021






Saturday, May 15, 2021

Layout Strategy of Innovative Smart Grid System Integration Technology Development in Taiwan

Taiwan government has promoted a policy of “Nuclear-free homeland” and increasing the proportion of green energy by 2025, it is expected that Taiwan will experience major energy and social transition. With the vigorous development of distributed renewable energy, Taiwan’s energy system will develop towards a multi-energy coexistence, distributed, and regionalized system. In the future, energy systems must integrate various types of power resources, be user-centered, and use information and communication technologies to integrate renewable energy, energy storage systems (ESS), smart meters and other devices. With optimal energy management, energy systems could improve energy conservation efficiency and reduce peak loads, and build a smart green energy system in a more efficient way. Refers to international experience in development trends of distributed power generation, demand response management, ESS and smart energy integration, this study develops and proposes the Layout Strategy of Innovative Smart Grid System Integration Technology Development in Taiwan.

Layout Strategy of Innovative Smart Grid System Integration Technology Development in Taiwan



全國首創 全台第一「臺北市城市級電能管理系統資訊平台」隆重上線

邁向能源資訊透明化,台北市與台灣經濟研究院合作發表全國首創「台北市城市級電能管理系統(Taipei City energy management system,簡稱TPCEMS)」,將台北市8處智慧電網示範場域,導入包含發電、用電及儲能設備的數據可視化,並將台北市用電結構與節電,以及整合再生能源發電量資訊,讓民眾一目瞭然。