Tuesday, February 16, 2016


台灣四面環海位處於熱帶與亞熱帶氣候區,海底地形以及海洋環境相當特殊,擁有世界一級的離岸風場與豐富的海洋資源。據經濟部能源局初步評估,我國5~20公尺水深離岸風力可開發容量約1.2 GW,而離岸風力發電可開發容量約5GW。因此,本文將介紹台灣離岸風力及海洋能源發展方向,及其產業技術推動現況,並提出發展策略與重點建議供各界參考。


|S|O|P|H|O|R|N| said...

It seems that the target is very ambitious for Taiwan offshore wind installation considering that there hasn't been any offshore turbine installation. Taiwan has the greatest wind potential, but how about issue of earthquake and typhoon?

CHEN Yenhaw said...

Very good question, that's why we do everything very carefully and analyze the influence of earthquake and typhoon. These three years should be the Critical period.