Thursday, October 06, 2016

2016 台湾スマートグリッド 技術産業紹介

台湾スマートグリッド産業は第一、第二期エネルギー国家型科学技術計画スマートグリッド主軸計画を推進することで、台湾スマートグリッド産業協会の統計によると、スマートグリッド製品の総販売金額は2009年の21.09億台湾ドルから2014年の169.51億台湾ドルに増え、スマートグリッド製品の販売総額は毎年平均51.71%の成長率で成長を続けている。台湾国内のスマートグリッドの発展は科技部第一、第二期NEP(National Energy Plane)計画に含まれる第一、第二期スマートグリッドスピンドルプロジェクト、並びに経済部の指導の下に、国内産学研機関が各自、設置や実証実験に参加しており、台湾スマートグリッド技術並びにエネルギー産業の発展成果を示しております。上記のスマートグリッド実証実験は以下に分けられます:1. スマートメーター読み取り及びユーザーエネルギー管理システム。2. スマート送配電並びにマイクログリッドシステム。3.仮想発電所(VPP)統合システム。

2016 台湾スマートグリッド 技術産業紹介

2016 台湾スマートグリッド 技術産業紹介 (パンフレット)

2016 The Development of Smart Grid Industry and Technology in Taiwan

Driven by Smart Grid Focus Center of Phase I and II of the National Energy Program (NEP-I,II), TSGIA statistics indicated that total sales of smart grid products grew from NT$2.109 billion in 2009 to NT$16.951 billion in 2014. Total sales of smart grid-related products are growing at a CAGR of 51.72%.

Lead by Smart Grid Focus Center of Phase I and II of the National Energy Program and Ministry of Economic Affairs’ Development of Energy Information and Communication Technology, domestic industry, university and academy have either set or involved in various smart grid demonstration sites in Taiwan and overseas that display the accomplishment and capabilities of smart grid technologies in Taiwan. Aforementioned demonstration sites can be divided into 3 categories which are 1) Smart Metering and User Energy Management System, 2) Smart Transmission and Distribution and Micro Grid System, 3) Virtual Power Plant Integration System.

2016 The Development of Smart Grid Industry and Technology in Taiwan

2016 The Development of Smart Grid Industry and Technology in Taiwan (brochure)




2016台灣智慧電網技術產業介紹 (小手冊)

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Study on the Promotion Method of Smart Grid Integration in Smart Cities (SDEWES2016.0047)

This study is aimed to analyze the development trends of the integration of a smart low-carbon city and virtual power plant technology, propose the promotion strategies for smart grid in urban areas, analyze the conditions and opportunities for Taipei City to develop a smart grid, and finally introduce the phase zero smart grid plan for Xinglong Public Housing in Taipei City.

Analysis of Levelized Cost of Kuroshio Energy in Taiwan (SDEWES2016.0024)

Taiwan is surrounded by sea with 1,566 km of coastline. A primary assessment of marine energy that incorporates the energy reserves, derivative economic benefit, cleanness and sustainability, energy stability, and cost competitiveness shows that wave energy, thermoelectric energy, and marine current energy have the greatest potential for development in Taiwan. Among them, the fixed direction of current flow gives it a great deal of potential for power generation, and thus it has started to draw attention in many counties. The Kuroshio off the east coast of Taiwan is part of the global ocean current system. If ocean current power generation technology can be successfully developed, its power generation efficiency would be greater than that of intermittent energy such as solar and wind. Power generation from the Kuroshio can provide the base load electricity in Taiwan, increasing Taiwan’s self-sufficiency rate and safety of energy. However, the initial phase of developing the Kuroshio power generation in Taiwan requires huge capital investment, and issues such as economic benefit and market competitiveness must be considered.

The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for natural gas-fired in the main island of Taiwan is about 3.6 NTD/kWh, and the average cost of electricity in Green Island (one of Taiwan's Offshore Islands) is about 13.5 NTD/kWh. In order to let Kuroshio power be competitive in market, this report presents an analysis of the LCOE for the development of Kuroshio power generation under three different scenario in Taiwan, 2MW, 30MW and 110 MW scenario respectively. Based on the scenario analysis of Taiwan's first 30MW Kuroshio power demonstration farm development, the LCOE is around 4.86-11.17 NTD/kWh at a discount rate of 15%, which is still higher than TaiPower's natural gas power generation cost of 3.57 NTD/kWh. In order to increase the industry’s willing to invest in Kuroshio power development, it is necessary to have the support from the government. Taiwan government could formulate marine spatial planning properly, doing preliminary investigation to zone the area suitable for Kuroshio power development, it would reduce more project cost.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

TSGIA Interview at ASUW16 - Taiwan's Smart Grid Evolution

The future of Taiwan’s smart grid Interview with Chen Yenhaw, Deputy Secretary-General, Taiwan Smart Grid Association. By Jasmine Gan. 5 AUG 2019

"Smart grid” has already become old news in Taiwan. Installation of smart meters in residential and industrial systems alike are proceeding at a rapid pace, with 200,000 new smart meters installed every year by Taipower, Taiwan’s monopoly utility provider. By the end of the year, half of the island will be equipped with smart meters: a total of 6 million installations.

“Installation is not so important now,” says Chen Yen-haw, Deputy Secretary-General of the Taiwan Smart Grid Association. Instead, current research in Taiwan on smart grid has moved to focus on commercial application of the technology. With major changes in Taiwan’s energy landscape, including the recent liberalisation of their renewable energy market and President Tsai’s nuclear-free homeland policy, the challenge will be how to best adapt the mature tech for their purposes. According to Chen, Taiwan’s new priorities will be on developing strategies for demand-side management, refining battery storage solutions, and further innovation in business models.

Demand-side management

Widespread adoption of smart grid tech has led to two major changes in Taiwan, says Chen. The first has been the ability to engage in demand-side management, as smart meters and real-time data make it possible to manage energy demand through price signals.

Recently, Taipower introduced tiered pricing, where participating customers can receive discounted tariffs for off-peak use of energy to encourage energy conservation during peak hours. Another innovative demand-side management strategy is to create a “virtual account” for customers, who can join in groups of 10 to work together to lower their aggregate electricity use in peak hours.

Energy shortage has become a major challenge for the island as Taiwan shifts away from nuclear power, and efforts to conserve energy through demand-side management could help mitigate that.

The rise of the prosumer

The second impact of smart grid adoption has been the greater control of customers over their own energy consumption. “Now customers can choose from different suppliers, different tariffs, different pricing,” says Chen. “Since we opened our energy market in renewables, there will be new renewable retailers and developers.”

Residential solar systems are becoming more common, as the widespread installation of smart inverters allow customers to store and manage energy generated from their own solar panels. These prosumers, customers who consume and produce their own electricity, are a growing presence in Taiwan’s energy market, according to Chen. In Taipei City, a virtual power plant system has been developed to allow prosumers to contribute surplus electricity from their home solar system back to the grid.

For Taiwanese communities living in remote islands, the government has subsidised installation of smart micro-grid systems that integrate renewable energy sources. The mix of solar, wind and diesel energy sources ensure a stable electricity supply despite distance from the central grid. On the remote Qimei Island, 43% of the inhabitants’ energy is now supplied by renewable energy through the smart micro-grid. “The micro-grid technology is very mature now,” says Chen.

But is Taiwan close to moving away from fossil fuels entirely? The main driving force of the recent uptake of renewable energy is the dropping cost of wind and solar systems, says Chen. However, the battery storage for renewables needs further refining. “The efficiency of solar increases by 1-2% every year,” explains Chen. “But the battery system is still not mature enough for real commercial application.” There will need to be a breakthrough in storage solutions before renewables can replace fossil fuels in Taiwan.

A future for energy trading

More development on the business side could lead to truly innovative applications of the advanced technology. Chen envisions cooperation between governments, private sector actors and consumers to come up with ways to utilise smart grid solutions.

A recent example is the collaboration between Taiwan Smart Grid Association and Gogoro, an electric scooter manufacturer, to create a smart grid from its scooter battery charging stations. With charging stations every 1.3km in Taipei, the company provides electricity to the grid when the solar-powered stations are not being used to charge batteries. “Five years ago, the scooter manufacturers came to my office and told me they were building a massive battery system,” Chen recounts. “I told them from the power system’s perspective, we will have the need.”

The cooperation need not be managed by the government. “I’m not really a guy who is familiar with scooters,” says Chen. “But we worked together. It was a bottom-up, multi-disciplinary process.”

Chen envisions that in the future, similar models for energy trading across private power sources and public power plants will be possible through a common platform for the whole country. “A platform like this could be the future for the whole power system,” says Chen.

This kind of multi-industry, multi-actor conversation is already beginning to happen. Taiwan’s adoption of smart grid has opened up new doors for further innovation.

Saturday, May 28, 2016


因應未來非核家園與溫室氣體減量目標,新政府能源政策將擴大太陽光電及離岸風電等再生能源利用,並加速智慧電網與電表佈建。2025年前推廣太陽光電20GW(屋頂3GW / 地面型 17GW)、風力發電4.2GW(陸上1.2GW、離岸3GW),屆時再生能源將佔總發電容量的53.1%,總發電量的18.5%。800萬民生用戶建置智慧電表連結智慧電網。大規模推廣太陽光電主要限制在可使用面積或可裝置建築數量,台灣地狹人稠,如何持續提供可設置太陽光電板所需面積,為大規模推廣太陽光電最重要挑戰。參考先進國家再生能源推廣經驗,隨著太陽能發電與風力發電等裝置容量增加,電網對間歇性發電的可接納容量也將使再生能源的擴大利用產生限制。隨著再生能源與儲能成本下降,用戶自發自用意願上升,如何利用智慧電網建立商業模式及配套制度,擴大需量管理、分散式電源、儲能整合系統進入電力市場,為再生能源納入台灣能源供應體系急需發展方向。

Sunday, May 15, 2016





Thursday, May 05, 2016

Smart Grid Technology Development Strategy of Taiwan

Taiwan's power system is a large, centralized system with its main sources of power comprising thermal and nuclear (accounting for 94 percent of total generating capacity), and a few hydro and renewable energy sources (RER) (accounting for 4.5 percent of total generating capacity). The system is characterized by large generator units and concentrated loading. Due to the long distances between the power plants and users, all electricity generated is transmitted over power lines and passed through substations before being supplied to users resulting in certain amounts of energy loss (line loss was approximately 4.59 percent in 2013).

Smart Grid Technology Development Strategy of Taiwan

Tuesday, May 03, 2016




Friday, April 22, 2016


一. 電動車發展背景
二. 國際間電動車推廣措施與示範
三. 國際電動車技術產業發展趨勢
四. 國內電動車產業現況
五. 國內電動車推廣措施
六. 電動車充電設備營運模式
七. 電動車營運模式探討
八. 都會私人低碳交通運輸新概念
九. 總結

第6屆台灣國際電動車展 (2016 EV Taiwan)

Sunday, March 27, 2016


行政院於2012年核定將智慧電網列入「國家節能減碳總計畫」標竿計畫,籌組跨部會「智慧電網推動小組」全力推動智慧電網。在政策規劃方面由經濟部能源局協助進行智慧電網整體規劃(Smart Grid Master Plan)。系統技術開發、先導測試計畫、推廣建置、制度研究、系統測試平台工作由能源國家型科技計畫智慧電網主軸專案計畫推動規劃進行[1]。


Tuesday, February 16, 2016


台灣四面環海位處於熱帶與亞熱帶氣候區,海底地形以及海洋環境相當特殊,擁有世界一級的離岸風場與豐富的海洋資源。據經濟部能源局初步評估,我國5~20公尺水深離岸風力可開發容量約1.2 GW,而離岸風力發電可開發容量約5GW。因此,本文將介紹台灣離岸風力及海洋能源發展方向,及其產業技術推動現況,並提出發展策略與重點建議供各界參考。